
  • Juan Carlos de la Cruz Southern Baptist School for Biblical Studies


Nuestra tesis en este ensayo es proveer algunas razones de por qué es justo el buen estigma que le hemos imputado a Carlos Spurgeon, a saber, “el príncipe de los predicadores.” Esto en suma se acrisoló tanto por las influencias que le permearon, como aquellas que abiertamente rechazó; como por la incansable labor exegética, teológica y metodológica que sistemáticamente persiguió; su cándida oración, mostrando así su dependencia absoluta de la guianza de Dios en todo cuanto hacía en su vida. Caracterizaba la predicación de Carlos, cosa que sin duda alguna le ha hecho especial, una acabada e impecable cristología, apegada a las más finas reflexiones puritanas, y que aun siendo calvinista de cinco puntos, fue sin excepción a la regla, intensional al presentar a Cristo como el único Salvador a todos los hombres, llamando a todo pecador a la entrega a Cristo en cada sermón predicado. Presentar a Cristo fue siempre su principal misión en cada sermón suyo. Procuró intencionadamente ganar almas en cada presentación suya. Todos estos elementos acuñados al llamamiento, tanto como a un testimonio constante y fiel de su servicio a Cristo le granjearon sobrada fama, resultados extraordinarios y el buen estigma que en honor a la justicia le hemos imputado a Carlos.

Palabras-claves: Spurgeon. Predicación. Homilética. Sermón.

The predication of Charles Spurgeon


Our thesis in this essay is to provide some reasons why it is just the good stigma that we have accused Carlos Spurgeon, namely, “the prince of the preachers.” This in sum was exacerbated by the influences that permeated him, such as those that he openly rejected; as for the tireless exegetical, theological and methodological work that systematically he pursued; his candid prayer, thus showing his absolute dependence on God”s guidance in everything he did in his life. What characterized the preaching of Carlos, something that undoubtedly made him special, was a finished and impeccable Christology, attached to the finest Puritan reflections, and that even being a Calvinist of five points, he was without exception to the rule, intentional when presenting Christ as the only Savior to all men, calling every sinner to surrender to Christ in every sermon preached. Presenting Christ was always his main mission in every one of his sermons. He intentionally tried to win souls in each presentation. All these elements coined to the call, as well as to a constant and faithful testimony of his service to Christ granted him more than enough fame, extraordinary results and the good stigma that in honor of justice we have imputed to Carlos.

Keywords: Spurgeon. Preaching. Homiletics. Sermon.




